Professional Referrals

As a healthcare professional, your involvement in all phases of a patient’s treatment is essential. From referral and treatment planning to aftercare coordination and follow-up, we work closely with you and other professionals to ensure there is a coordinated system of treatment. With consent, we work together with you on admission and discharge planning and request your involvement as part of the treatment team, which includes:

  • Participation by telephone or in-person
  • Family therapy meetings
  • Providing regular communication updates
  • Advisement of discharge and aftercare planning
  • Arrangement of continuing care options and coordination

We have specialized programs for children, teens and adults. With family permission, treatment may involve therapists, school counselors, elders, ministers or other professionals in the community who the family believes to have an important role in the patient’s continued progress after leaving our care.

How to Refer

If you are working with a patient who may need North Star’s services and you want to refer them, please contact us. Our specialized team of nurses and master’s level clinicians have extensive experience in handling mental health issues.

Our initial assessment is free, and depending on the patient’s needs, our staff will discuss options, provide referrals or make arrangements for admission to a North Star program.


There is hope. Let us help.

Call 907-264-3506 if you or a loved one struggles with psychiatric issues or substance abuse. We are here 24/7 to provide no-cost, confidential assessments and discuss treatment options. You may also message us using our online contact form.

Please dial 911 or seek the nearest emergency room if you have an emergency.